Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (2024)

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Our simple eggnog recipe will have you sipping on creamy, spiced goodness in no time. Perfect for holiday gatherings or cozy nights in, this homemade eggnog is about to become your new yuletide tradition. So, ditch the store-bought eggnog and get ready to elevate your holiday cheer with this must-try eggnog recipe!

I adore the flavor combination of eggnog and gingerbread! If you haven’t already, try serving this classic eggnog with mygingerbread biscotti,gingerbread pancakes, or theclassic gingerbread cookie!

Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (1)

Why You’ll Love This Homemade Eggnog

  • Flavor Town: Homemade eggnog is richer, creamier, and just downright tastier. It’s like comparing a home-cooked meal to fast food.
  • Impress Factor: Nothing screams “I’ve got my life together” like serving up a bowl of homemade eggnog at your holiday shindig.
  • Creative License: Feel like adding a splash of coffee? Maybe some chocolate shavings? Homemade means you can get as extra as you like.

My mom adores eggnog. She’s always looking for it as soon as the holiday season starts creeping up. Something about the time of year paired with the holiday drink is incredibly nostalgic for both of us. This year her craving struck and she couldn’t find any in store. I jumped in and thought that a traditional eggnog recipe can’t be too difficult. Turns out, I was right! There’s a little strategy, but once you’ve made this recipe one time you will never go back to store-bought.

Homemade eggnog tastes like a holiday hug in a cup! Imagine a creamy, rich blend of milk and eggs, lightly spiced with nutmeg and cinnamon, and often sweetened with sugar or even a splash of vanilla. It’s like a custard and a milkshake had a festive baby. When done right, it’s a luxurious, velvety drink that packs a flavor punch, perfect for sipping by the fire.

Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (2)

Eggnog Ingredients

Don’t be intimidated by the use of raw eggs. There’s a slow simmer that cooks the eggs perfectly which means you’ll be sipping on this homemade version in no time! This is a non-alcoholic eggnog recipe, but if you look in the notes below I included how to make eggnog with alcohol. Here are the ingredients you need to get started:

  • Whole Milk: Whole vs a lower fat milk has a higher fat content compared to skim or low-fat milk, and in the culinary world, fat equals flavor and luscious mouthfeel.
  • Cinnamon and Cloves: I opted for cinnamon sticks and whole cloves. They add so much flavor as they cook with the hot milk mixture and don’t leave behind any gritty texture.
  • Egg Yolks: You’ll need to seperate the egg white from the egg yolks. Don’t toss those whites! You can use them to makemeringue cookiesorlemon pie bars!
  • Sugar: A single cup sugar is the key to adding just enough sweet without overpowering the final flavor.
  • Heavy Cream: This is the VIP ingredient that gives your eggnog its rich, creamy texture and full-bodied flavor.
  • Vanilla Extract: Adding vanilla extract brings that subtle, aromatic sweetness that elevates the whole flavor profile.
  • Nutmeg: The final touch on a masterpiece. This little spice packs a wallop of warm, nutty, and slightly sweet flavors that make your eggnog scream, “Hello, holidays!”
Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (3)

How To Make Eggnog

  1. ​PREP: Seperate the eggs and place the yolks into a small bowl off to the side for later.
  2. HEAT: Add the milk, cinnamon sticks and whole cloves to a saucepan. Heat over low/ medium heat until warm, but not simmering. You want to see steam but do not bring to a boil.
  3. TEMPER: Add the sugar to the bowl with the egg yolks. Whisk together until combined and smooth. Temper the eggs by adding a little bit of the warm milk mixture. This keeps them from cooking and curdling in the eggnog.
  4. ​ADD: Once tempered, stir the egg yolk mixture into the warm milk. Continue to cook on low heat, stirring the entire time, until the mix has thickened. Aim for about 10-15 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly. You’re looking for the mixture to thicken just enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  5. CHILL: Remove the pan from the heat. Strain into a new container with a lid, or a large bowl, to remove the cinnamon sticks and cloves. Stir in the heavy cream, vanilla extract, and the nutmeg. Let it come the eggnog mixture come to room temperature and refrigerate overnight.
  6. ENJOY: That’s it! You just made an easy eggnog recipe that is incredibly delicious!

It’s all about getting that Goldilocks zone of “just right,” where it’s thick but not turning into a custard. And remember, keep that heat low to avoid any curdling drama. Once it’s done, let it cool before stashing it in the fridge. Patience is a virtue, my friends!

Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (4)
Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (5)
Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (6)

How To Temper Eggs So They Don’t Curdle

  1. Whisk the Eggs: In a separate bowl from the warm milk, whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until smooth.
  2. Start:Using a ladle or a cup, slowly pour about a half-cup of the warm milk mixture into the egg-sugar mix, all while whisking constantly. You’re introducing them, getting them comfortable.
  3. Keep it Smooth: Continue this process, adding another half-cup of warm milk to the eggs, and whisking the whole time. This raises the temperature of the eggs gradually, so they don’t freak out and curdle.
  4. Merge the Parties: Once you’ve mixed in a couple of cups of warm milk, the eggs should be acclimated to the heat. Now you can slowly whisk the egg mixture back into the saucepan with the eggnog base.
Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (7)

Helpful Tools

  • Whisk: For that flawless blend of yolks, sugar, and spices.
  • Saucepan: A medium-sized one should do. Make sure it has a heavy bottom for even heat distribution.
  • Ladle: Perfect for slowly adding warm milk to your egg mixture (aka tempering) without spilling all over your counter.
  • Thermometer: Optional but recommended for making sure your eggnog hits a safe temperature, usually around 160°F (71°C).
Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (8)
Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (9)
Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (10)

Recipe Notes:

Is it safe to consume raw eggs?

Heating your mixture to 160°F (71°C) makes it food-safe. Alternatively, use pasteurized eggs.

Can I use low-fat milk instead of whole milk?

You can, but be warned: you’ll sacrifice creaminess. Whole milk is the VIP for a reason.

How long will homemade eggnog last in the fridge?

About 4-5 days. But honestly, it’s so good it’ll probably disappear before then.

What’s the best alcohol to add?

Want to make eggnog with alcohol? Try a dark rum, bourbon, or cognac. It’s your party; you pick. Any way you go you’ll be sure to have a boozy eggnog that is delicious.

How can I spice up my eggnog?

Toss in some ground cinnamon or even a bit of chai spice for a fun twist.

Can I freeze eggnog?

Yep! Just remember it’ll expand, so leave some space in your container.

Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (11)

More Holiday Recipes

  • Sparkling Holiday Punch (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic)

  • Christmas Muddy Buddies

  • Christmas Hot Chocolate

  • Christmas Tree Cakes

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Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (16)

5 from 1 vote

The Best Eggnog Recipe

Created by: Jesseca

Course Drink Recipes

Cuisine British

Prep Time 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time 15 minutes minutes


Our simple eggnog recipe will have you sipping on creamy, spiced goodness in no time. Perfect for holiday gatherings or cozy nights in, this homemade eggnog is about to become your new yuletide tradition.


  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 2-3 whole cloves
  • 6 large egg yolks
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg


  • Add the milk, cinnamon sticks and whole cloves to a saucepan. Heat over low/ medium heat until warm, but not simmering. You want to see steam but do not bring to a boil.

  • Seperate the eggs and place the yolks into a small bowl. Add the sugar to the bowl with the egg yolks. Whisk together until combined and smooth.

  • Using a ladle or a cup, slowly pour about a half-cup of the warm milk mixture into the egg-sugar mix, all while whisking constantly.

  • Continue this process, adding another half-cup of warm milk to the eggs, and whisking the whole time. This raises the temperature of the eggs gradually, so they don’t freak out and curdle.

  • Once you’ve mixed in a couple of cups of warm milk, the eggs should be acclimated to the heat. Now you can slowly whisk the egg mixture back into the saucepan with the eggnog base.

  • Stir the egg yolk mixture into the warm milk.

  • Continue to cook on low heat, stirring the entire time, until the mix has thickened. Aim for about 10-15 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly. You’re looking for the mixture to thicken just enough to coat the back of a spoon, or 160°F (71°C).

  • Remove the pan from the heat. Strain into a new container with a lid, or a large bowl, to remove the cinnamon sticks and cloves. Stir in the heavy cream, vanilla extract, and the nutmeg.

  • Let it come the eggnog mixture come to room temperature and refrigerate overnight.

  • That’s it! You just made an easy eggnog recipe that is incredibly delicious!

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Easy Eggnog Recipe - One Sweet Appetite (2024)


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