Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (2024)

100% Collectibles Guide


After the harrowing escape from the rising waters, Gumo seems to have saved us, and we awaken on the beach… of a sort. We’re in Thornfelt Swamp now, and will soon have the Stomp ability and go exploring. First thing’s first, we’re going to open a shortcut. Dive into the water and swim to the upper-left exit. On the far left here, use Charge Flame to bust open the ceiling, allowing the waters above to flood the room. If you’ve been following along, this should be the 5th shortcut you’ve opened with Charge Flame, netting you the A New Path achievement.

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  • A New Path

    Opened 5 shortcuts using the Charge Flame

    Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (1)

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Return to the main lake room and swim down. There are five more branches to explore here: middle-left, bottom-left, top-right, middle-right, and bottom-right. The top-right and middle-left underwater branches don’t lead to anything special. The middle-right one is full of spikes, and nets you credit for Secret Area #13/45, as well as a Spirit Energy orb. The bottom-left one has a Keystone, as does the bottom-right. Make sure to go all the way to the right, past the second set of crushing rocks, to get Map Stone Fragment #4/9 from the bottom-right branch as well. Swim back up to the top, but before exiting to the right, put the fragment into Map Stone #4/9 on the left. This will get you the achievement for half of the map stones, even though 4/9 isn’t technically 50%. If you’re struggling to deal with the Ram enemy near it, just come back shortly, once you have the Stomp ability.

  • Halfway There

    Restored 50% of all Map Stones

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Through the exit to the right, you’ll have to jump across some hanging logs and use Bash on a Ground Worm’s projectile to get up through a vertical spike-lined shaft. Use Wall Jump off the left wall, and Bash off the hanging light, to get over the spikes to the right and reach a small Spirit Tree, where you will gain the Stomp ability. You can test it on the breakable ground to the right. From here, there is a Ground Worm up to your right. You can bash off his projectile to the right for the normal path, but you need to come back later with Charge Jump to fully explore, so use Bash off the projectile to fly up to the left the way you came in. You’ll fall onto the spikes above, but should have enough health to jump up off of them and bash off the hanging light to get far enough left, allowing you to drop back down the spike-lined shaft and save some time.

Go left across the lake, placing the map stone if you still haven’t and dealing with the Ram. Before using Stomp on the floor to the left to continue, climb up the tree just left of the map stone to find Secret Area #14/45, as well as Ability Cell #3/33. Return to the map stone and Stomp your way down through the floor to the left. Continue left from the bottom and you’ll pass through the room where you drained the water, breaking open another floor to continue. Just left of this, you’ll pass a Frog enemy and see a weak wooden beam on the floor. Stomp this to break through, revealing Secret Area #15/45. Directly above this is a well-hidden Spirit Energy orb near the ceiling of the room with the Frog. A carefully-placed bash off the left Spider’s projectile combined with double jumping can net that orb now, or you can return later with other abilities to get it easier. You can also use Bash to reflect the left two Spiders’ projectiles back at them to net the Deadly Deflection achievement easily here.

  • Deadly Deflection

    Killed 25 enemies using Bash to reflect projectiles

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MOON GROTTO (2nd visit)

Past the two Spiders, you’ll be back in the main shaft of the Moon Grotto. Drop down a couple levels, and explore the branch on the right side, directly beneath the spirit well, to find Health Cell #5/12. We didn’t come here on the first visit, because you need Bash to get to that health cell. If you didn’t get Health Cell #2/12 from the branch down to the left (through the door that requires two energy to open), do so now. You’ll need to go down there to fully explore that room anyway, as there is a Spirit Energy orb down in the water that you couldn’t get back when it was purple/dangerous. Go back up and into the branch on the left, directly across from the one with Health Cell #5. This one should look familiar, as you got an Energy Cell here on the first visit. You should see the Ram enemy below, and the Stompers to the left.

Go all the way to the left across this area, past the three Stompers and the Jumper enemy. You should be in the room where you got a secret area before. Drop down into the water and open the door to the right to get Ability Cell #4/33. If you want to refill your energy at the spirit well in the main shaft and come back, you can open the door to the left as well, but we’ll return here later. At this point you should have about 95% on Moon Grotto’s exploration, give or take. Return to the top of Moon Grotto, and exit through the purple laser room to the right to reach Thornfelt Swamp again. We’re going to do some brief exploration to grab more collectibles before carrying on to Black Root Burrows.



Our next major stop is Black Root Burrows, but now that you have several of the key abilities, it’s time to do some map exploration to clean up some things prior to moving on with the main path. This isn’t the most EFFICIENT path, mind you. It’s better to come back for some of these after you’ve obtained Light Burst and Charge Jump, specifically the stuff in Thornfelt Swamp. But in the interests of matching as closely to the 100% Collectibles video as possible (although there are a few MINOR difference in this text guide), and of telling you the earliest possible time to obtain upgrades to make the rest of the main path easier, I’m including some of this here. From the exit at the top of Moon Grotto, if you go right, you’ll be back in Thornfelt Swamp, in the room with the Ground Worms.

Up until now, I’ve given detailed step-by-step instructions. However, there is quite a lot of map exploration that you can do at this point, and talking you through it step-by-step would take pages and pages, and would likely lead to exhaustion on both our parts. Instead, I’m going to list below all of the items you should be able to collect prior to advancing to Black Root Burrows, as well as a handy set of maps below showing all of their locations. I have them numbered on the maps according to the numbers they are in my 100% collectibles video, aka the earliest you can obtain them. I take a much different, more efficient path, in the 100% walkthrough video, as I go to Black Root Burrows before getting many of these. Use the maps on the Tips/Roadmap/Maps page for everything but the ability cells here. The ability cells are included in the 100% collectibles video if you're struggling to find them. If you didn’t 100%-clear Ginso Tree yet, do that now as well. During this section, you should collect the following:

Ability Cells #5-7

Secret Areas #16-18

Health Cells #6-9

Spirit Well #6 (up near Mt. Horu)

While exploring here, when you run across one of the large Blob enemies, use Bash and aim directly upward off of it. As soon as you release Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (13) to do the bash, press and hold it again so that you can activate another bash on the way down, as you reach the enemy again. Keep doing this until you’ve bashed upward off of it 10 times without touching the ground, and you’ll unlock Bash Master.

  • Bash Master

    Bashed off enemies 10 times in a row without touching the ground

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Continue to the right after the scene to enter Black Root Burrows. This first area is very dark. I would recommend saving as soon as you enter, and explore a bit to get a feel for where the spikes and drop-offs are. It’s very difficult to describe where to go here, so I’ll just say that from the start, you essentially want to hug the left wall and keep dropping down/going to the left. Look for the glowing, floating platforms that you can land on as you go down/left, and try to jump to them. Walking will usually end up in falling onto spikes, or worse. You will soon reach a room with two floating, glowing vertical beams. Jump across these to the left to get to the Light Burst orb and pick it up with Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (17). This is similar to the mechanic in Misty Woods, where you’re carrying an orb, negating your ability to double-jump, bash, etc.

Once you pick up the orb, go left and up, then make your way through the floating, glowing platform section. This section is very straight forward, as there is only one path you can really take, since you can’t double-jump or anything. You’ll have to dodge some Spider projectiles as you make your way across the floating platforms. If you’ve been following along you should have plenty of energy and an upgraded Charge Flame, making short work of the Spider enemies. Once you make your way back to the main room, you’ll have to go across the bottom, lighting torches that raise the platforms beneath the spikes below. A turret will be firing from your left as you do this, but for the most part you’ll be beneath its projectiles, except while standing on the first and last pillars.

To the far right, you’ll use bounce pads to jump up through three green lasers. Be patient here, and wait until just when the lasers are about to stop before jumping onto the bounce pad each time, especially the last one, which you have to anticipate a little, as its “off” time is very short. Once you pass these, make your way up the floating platforms to the top-right corner to light another torch, opening the way forward. In the next room, you’ll go up more floating platforms and will be moving to the right, beneath a green laser. You’ll note that the light from your orb will make barriers appear above, stopping the laser. Jump off the moving platform onto a stationary one that is only visible when it the orb’s light. Put the orb down here with Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (18) so that it keeps the barrier in front of the laser, and jump up to the upper-right corner to hit a lever, raising a statue below.

Drop down to the statue and the orb will follow you, so pick it up and place it in the statue to light the area, revealing a small Spirit Tree to the right where you’ll earn one of the two new abilities: Dash. Hitting Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (19) will make you dart along the ground, and once the top ability tree upgrade is obtained, it will allow you to dash in the air as well. From the tree, go to the right and use the new Dash ability to zip past a long line of Stompers to find Map Stone Fragment #5. Return to the tree and drop down through the newly-opened shaft just left of it.

Just at the bottom of this shaft is a small lever that opens a door way down and to the right, which you have to dash through the tiers below to reach in time. This leads to the Map Stone for the fragment above, as well as a Spirit Well, Health Cell, and the boulder chase for an achievement. But before we do that, we’re going to 100% explore the area below, since we have Stomp. So ignore that lever and go to the bottom tier of this shaft, using Stomp to break through the floor below. You’ll reach Lost Grove, a new area, although it is included within Black Root Burrows on the map screen.


Continue down to the bottom of the shaft, using Dash to get past the shortly-timed green laser. At the bottom, you’ll see a Pink Jelly to the right and a Jumper below you. Go to the left from the Jumper, and you’ll need to dash through a narrow gap quickly, in between laser bursts. Drop down after the laser fires, dash twice, and jump out to avoid instant death. Keep going left and the next room will have a spinning obstacle with four green instant-death lasers coming out of it. Dash across the bottom between lasers, then use the bounce pad to make it up the left-hand side. Make sure you bounce up just behind a laser so that the next one coming around doesn’t nail you midway up. At the top-left corner of the room, you’re relatively safe, so take a breath.

If you have the Air Dash upgrade on the top tree already, this next part is simple. If not, you’ll have to double-jump across to the right, above the spinning wheel of death, in between two of its laser arms. Dashing across is much easier, which is why Air Dash is awesome to have by now. Once you make it to the right, past the death wheel, use Bash off the Bird enemy to make it to the ledge above to your left. Continue to the left and drop down through the floor to reach another small Spirit Tree, where you will gain a very handy new ability, Light Burst, used via Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (20). This ability is necessary to light torches scattered around the map, which open paths necessary for 100% map completion. You can also toss one of its projectiles up, then jump and bash off your own projectile, a handy trick for reaching some of the harder-to-reach areas.

From the tree, jump up the wall to the left and onto the hanging platform. Toss a Light Burst projectile to the torch on the left, which lowers a hanging log to the right. Jump over to the log, and toss another projectile up to the torch above to the right, lowering another platform. Jump onto this one, dealing with the Pink Jelly above, and toss a final projectile over the spikes up to your right, lighting a 3rd torch to open the exit door, as well as netting you the Explosive Lobb achievement.

  • Explosive Lobb

    Activated 3 torches using Light Burst

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Go to the right, back out into the room with the Bird, and bash off of it to get to the upper area again. Kill the bird, bash off a projectile from the Ground Worm to the left to get onto the upper hanging platform, and kill the Pink Jelly above you. Toss a Light Burst projectile or two to the upper-right to hit a torch there, opening a barrier to the right so you can get Ability Cell #8/33. Drop down below the hanging platform, and double-jump + air-dash to the right to reach a Spirit Energy orb in a small alcove below, easy to miss. Drop all the way down to the bottom of the room, and dash back through the narrow gap with the green laser to return to the main shaft with the Jumper enemy that you came from before getting Light Burst.

Go right past the Jumper, across some spikes, to the ledge. Before dropping down, hold Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (25) and aim your projectile for a short toss upward. Jump and bash off the projectile to reach the ledge above for Ability Cell #9/33. Drop down through the shaft to land on a wooden beam. Before dropping through, go to the right. You’ll have to time your dash and jumps to get past another green laser. Halfway through the laser’s path, jump up into the area above to find a Pink Jelly and a Spirit Energy orb inside Secret Area #19/45. Continue to the end, past the laser, to a room with a bounce pad on the far-right. By now, with all the ability cells you’ve obtained, you should have Air Dash. Jump and air-dash over, bouncing off the pad to air-dash back to the left, to the upper-left ledge for Ability Cell #10/33. If you don’t have Air Dash, you can accomplish this via judicious use of your own Light Burst projectiles and the Bash ability.

Return to the left, past the laser and back to the log. Drop through and kill the Frog to your immediate left. Toss Light Burst projectiles in an arc to the left, up over the spikes, so they kill the other Frog beyond the door, which will open the door, allowing you to get Ability Cell #11/33. By now, if you just put one upgrade in the middle tree and three in the bottom tree, you should easily have enough to reach Triple Jump in the top tree. If you’re going for Elite on Easy difficulty this first run of, then you won’t have any of these. I’m just pointing this out for those spending their ability points and doing an extra playthrough later. Go right from here and drop down to the room below to find a Blog and two Frogs. Deal with them, and stand on the pressure plat to the left so you can toss a Light Burst projectile over the left wall. Once you hit the torch, the path to the right will open.

Carry on to the right, killing the two Birds and two Pink Jellies in the next room to open another door. In the next room, toss a Light Burst projectile to the torch on the top-left to open the barrier in the floor, and drop down to the room below, where you’ll pass several Ground Worms and reach a pool of water at the bottom. Exit the room to the right. If you’re here this early, you won’t have Charge Jump, so toss a Light Burst projectile up and Bash off of it to get over the spiky barrier in the next room. Bash off the hanging light and go all the way to the right. You should be standing on a pressure switch, shutting off a green laser above. There are two options here. You can toss a Light Burst projectile so that it bounces off the two bounce pads while you’re standing on the pressure plate, landing on the breakable barrier to the left.

If you prefer, you can just Bash straight up off the hanging light on the left and tap Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (26) while holding up in mid-air to break that same barrier from below. Either way, you do need to go stand on that pressure plate for 100% map completion. Once you get up through the barrier above the hanging light, use another projectile to bash off of to reach the upper-right corner of the room, and activate the lever there, opening the barrier on the left side. Grab Ability Cell #12/33 sitting right out in the open there, and toss another projectile upward. Bash off of it to the upper-right wall above the ability cell to find Secret Area #20/45. Go left from the secret area and drop through the floor beneath the Pink Jelly enemies to hit another lever, opening the barrier on the left side of the room with the pond we just left a bit ago. Climb out from this lever and stand on the pressure plate to the right. Once the barrier to your left is open, dash through it with Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (27) to return to the pond.

Swim down into the water and to the bottom-right to reveal Secret Area #21/45. Follow this secret path all the way to the right to reach a tiny hidden room with Ability Cell #13/33. Swim back to the left into the main pond, continue left through the barrier you opened with the lever earlier. After a short scene with more of the game’s lore, climb over the wall to your left to get another Spirit Energy orb and reach Spirit Well #7/12. You’ll also unlock the Out of Darkness achievement here.

  • Out of the Darkness

    Uncovered the mysteries of Naru

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To save some time climbing back up out of this area, warp back to the spirit well in Sunken Glades. Re-enter Black Root Burrows to the right upon exiting. In the first room with the floating platforms, grab a Spirit Energy orb from the ceiling, and use the floating platforms to go down and left to reach Ability Cell #14/33 on the middle-left area of the floating platforms. Return all the way to the right where you got Dash from the tree. Before dropping down through the shaft, toss a Light Burst projectile upward, just to the left of the Stompers. Bash off of it to reach the upper-right corner of the room for a Spirit Energy orb. This spot is easily missed for 100% map completion.

Now drop down through the shaft, and hit the small lever at the bottom, before the multi-tiered part. Dash your way down through the tears and climb up through the barrier to the right before it closes. You should see a blue crystal above you, and a large boulder in the ceiling up to your right. Run down the slope to the right and the boulder will drop down behind you. Jump over the wall midway down the slope and dash under the Stompers as they fall. At the end, climb up the wall behind the Jumper so that the boulder doesn’t crush you, and you’ll unlock Raider Run.

  • Raider Run

    Escaped the Boulder in Black Root Burrows

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Use Stomp to crush the boulder so you can get the Spirit Energy orb, and to hammer the post above into the ground to open a barrier above. Jump across the hanging platform above to get Health Cell #10/12. Save at Spirit Well #8/12 to your left, and make sure to drop over the wall to the left for map completion. Go back up to where the spirit well and health cell were, and make your way to the upper-right corner to (finally) place the fragment into Map Stone #5/9. You could have done this earlier, which is why the Spirit Well here is #7 in the video and the one in Lost Grove is #8, instead of the way I have them numbered here.



Our next major stop is Misty Woods. Once again, rather than spend pages and pages typing out a step-by-step, I figure you should know the world well enough to maneuver around and simply follow the annotated maps below to nab the rest of the collectibles available to you at this point in time. You have most of the game’s key abilities now, so just follow along with the maps below (carousel style) and nab these collectibles before advancing to Misty Woods. Make sure to fully explore each area while you’re there, especially watching out for the torches you can ignite using the Light Burst ability to open pathways previously blocked by barriers. If you haven’t 100%-cleared Moon Grotto yet, do that now as well. Use the maps on the Tips/Roadmap/Maps page for everything but the ability cells here. The ability cells are included in the 100% collectibles video if you're struggling to find them. During this section, you should collect the following:

Ability Cells #15-21

Secret Areas #22-23

Energy Cells #8-10

Spirit Well #9

You will unlock Seasoned Explorer upon entering the 23rd Secret Area.

  • Seasoned Explorer

    Found 50% of all secrets

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Upon entering Misty Woods, go all the way to your left, past a Ram, a Bird, and several Pink Jellies. Make sure to grab the Spirit Energy orbs along the way. When you reach a bounce pad at the far left, bounce up and us Bash to launch off of the Ground Worms’ projectiles to go up and to the left, holding Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (38) to float on your parachute feather between bashes. Continue to the far left and drop down to find the first Keystone to the left, which will change your surroundings. Go right from here, and jump over the Bird to float down through a spike-lined area. You’ll land on the ground to the right of a Pink Jelly with another Keystone to its left. By now, if following this guide, you have both Triple Jump and Light Burst, either of which can be used to make it up over the branch above the Keystone. You’ll find a hidden area (not a secret area) with Ability Cell #22/33 and unlock the Good Eye achievement.

  • Good Eye

    Found the lost corridor in the Misty Woods

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Return to the Pink Jelly, grab the Keystone, and continue to the right past two Frogs as things change again. You’ll see a short scene showing the altar below, and need to turn back to the left, as things have changed once more. Pass the two Frogs and a Pink Jelly to see a Ground Worm in the ceiling above. Make sure to bash off one of its projectiles to get the Spirit Energy orb in the upper-left corner for map completion. As you float down through the spikes below it, float over to the right into an alcove to reveal Secret Area #24/45, as well as another Spirit Energy orb. Continue to float down through the spike-lined area, past several more Ground Worms, to land on the ground below with a Frog and Jumper to your left. You can technically do a shortcut here using the Frog’s projectiles, but don’t.

Bash the Frog and Jumper off into the spikes, then launch upward through the hanging lights. Go straight up to the upper-right corner first, for Secret Area #25/45. Continue up through the pathway to the left, bashing off the Pink Jellies rather than climbing the walls so that their shots don’t hit you. Around the left-hand side and down, you’ll reach a small Spirit Tree and get the Wall Climb ability. This allows you to hold Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (43) and latch onto walls, rather than having to repeatedly wall-jump off of them to prevent falling. Go right from the tree, and use your new Wall Climb ability to platform up through the disappearing white platforms. Alternatively, you can toss a Light Burst projectile and bash off of it up to the right, but it isn’t much of a time saver.

Continue right past the Frog and up the next shaft, then right past a Jumper and across more white disappearing platforms to reach the 3rd Keystone of the area. This shifts things once again, so return to the left and down the shaft to find a new area to your right. These lasers are slightly tricky. When you jump while standing on a flat surface, they will change position, but will remain where they are if you use your double/triple jump in mid-air. So make sure the first laser is to your right, and jump toward it. It will change position, forming a platform to land on. Jump toward the next laser and it will disappear, allowing you to land on the ground in the middle. Jump toward the next laser and it will turn to a platform to land on.

This next bit is what kills people. The next laser is already gone, so instead of jumping off your current platform (which would shift it back into a laser in front of you, instant death), just drop off the right side of the platform, then double-jump in mid-air to make it across to the next platform without making the laser reappear in front of you. Continue right up some more vanishing white platforms, past a Jumper, Spider, and Pink Jelly. As you float down through the spike-line area past the Pink Jelly, you’ll pass by a Bird enemy with a hanging light directly beneath it. Fall down to the left of that, but float to the right into an alcove one level below the bird with another hanging light in it. This isn’t a secret area, but it does contain a Spirit Energy orb necessary for 100% map completion.

Bash off the hanging light to the left to float on down through this area and reach a ledge below with two hanging lights to the right. Bash off of them up into Secret Area #26/45 directly upward in the middle of the two of them. Note that this secret area did not increase the tracker % as far as I noticed across multiple gamertags, but better safe than sorry. Drop down, bash off the hanging lights to the right, and off the Ground Worm’s projectile to reach the upper-right corner for the 4th and final Keystone of Misty Woods. Drop back down and bash off the lights to reach the left ledge where you arrived. Another Ground Worm above you will be lobbing projectiles down, so bash upward off one, float with Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (44) until another is fired, and bash up again to continue.

Go upward through the spike-obstacle shaft, right, and up again to reach a Jumer with a Ground Worm up to the right, lobbing projectiles down at you. Bash off the enemy, a projectile, or one of your own to reach that ledge with the Ground Worm. From the rightmost side of this ledge, either bash off the Jumper enemy up here or one of your Light Burst projectiles to reach the ledge across the gap to your right. You should see a barrier to the right blocking a small tunnel, which is opened by lighting a torch above the Ground Worm to the left, but it isn’t necessary for map completion or any secrets. Directly above the spot you landed on to the left of this barrier, however, is Secret Area #27/45, the final one in Misty Woods.

Once you’ve registered this secret, you should be able to jump across from the top of it (the upper ledge above where you landed, above the barrier) to reach the upper-left ledge above that Ground Worm you just passed. You should see a Spider and two Jumpers here, though one Jumper may have suicided over the ledge already. Continue left and kill the two Leaping Worms to open the door to the orb. Upon picking it up, everything will shift, and you will be almost back to the beginning of Misty Woods. Go right from where you pick up the orb, past several Pink Jellies while dodging projectiles from a turret, until you reach the statue (the Shrouded Lantern) to place the orb in and restore/cleanse Misty Woods (lift the haze). This grants you the Gumon Seal, the key to Forlorn Ruins (our next major stop). You’ll also unlock Obtaining Clarity here.

  • Obtaining Clarity

    Cleared the Misty Woods

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5. Story Walkthrough Part 33. Story walkthrough

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Guide for Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Views: 5707

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.