Internet Archive TV NEWS : Search Captions. Borrow Broadcasts (2024)

Latest news from the last hour:
Former President Trump met with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill, sparking unity within the party. He criticized Milwaukee ahead of the RNC and appeared on Logan Paul's podcast, while refusing to offer support for Biden amidst G7 discussions. SCOTUS upheld access to the abortion pill Mifepristone, and the UK signed a 10-year security pledge with Ukraine. GOP celebrated Trump's 78th birthday in Washington.


3 3.0

CSPAN : June 16, 2010 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

Jun 16, 2010 06/10



to justice perpetrators of terrorism. however, it is important that in its effort to combat terrorism, the department's equally vigilant in upholding justice and observing the constitutional rights of americans that it's responsible for enforcing. this means a commitment to do process and transparency even in the most difficult situations and means congress must be steadfast in its commit to -- commitment to consistent and thorough oversight. the department has taken on an ins colleague -- increasingly active role in public safety. notably the department's efforts to support community-based programs have seen dramatic success. for example, the office of violence against women is charged with providing national leadership and reducing domestic violence through the implementation of the violence against women's act. through 19 violence against women act programs, the department is helping to reduce violence, sexual assault and stocking by strengthening services to victims and holing offenders accountable. most important work in preserving the integrity of women and our commitment to

to justice perpetrators of terrorism. however, it is important that in its effort to combat terrorism, the department's equally vigilant in upholding justice and observing the constitutional rights of americans that it's responsible for enforcing. this means a commitment to do process and transparency even in the most difficult situations and means congress must be steadfast in its commit to -- commitment to consistent and thorough oversight. the department has taken on an ins colleague --...


3 3.0

International Programming : CSPAN : June 14, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EDT

Jun 14, 2010 06/10



holds hu great reviews,pends vast amount of money on advertisg but hasn seded in its task. we willress ahead tt pele to register. but i haveo ask her ain, at onars unfair about eqsize seats? my horle frid i think he's got abo 110,000 constituent that he has to look after. some members opposite havebout lfhat. thatply not fair. >> harriet harmon. >> he's shown he's not ltening the argument- he' shown th he's listening tthe argunt tt cedraw the boundaries, which is his problem onhe registeis sorted out. he showede's not ltengo argument and hs pressi on gardless. that is not new politics, it's down right unfair. n i move -- can iove to

holds hu great reviews,pends vast amount of money on advertisg but hasn seded in its task. we willress ahead tt pele to register. but i haveo ask her ain, at onars unfair about eqsize seats? my horle frid i think he's got abo 110,000 constituent that he has to look after. some members opposite havebout lfhat. thatply not fair. >> harriet harmon. >> he's shown he's not ltening the argument- he' shown th he's listening tthe argunt tt cedraw the boundaries, which is his...

Russia Today - English

3 3.0

[curator: unknown title] : RT : July 26, 2010 5:01am-5:31am EDT

Jul 26, 2010 07/10

by RT


it really it is you do say there's a huge number of documents there how do you think this leaked information will impact on military action in afghanistan. well one has to realize that with one thousand and one thousand documents it can become piles by iran years reports and accurate reporting one person's hearsays another person's statements another person's assumptions so they can all become documents nobody can jump into conclusions said they were all the i cure it facts are accurate reports but documents so one how one should recognize that but of course there's some of the sensitive issues if we don't know about it. if it's an operational nature it could. affect some of the operation on the ground military operation our

it really it is you do say there's a huge number of documents there how do you think this leaked information will impact on military action in afghanistan. well one has to realize that with one thousand and one thousand documents it can become piles by iran years reports and accurate reporting one person's hearsays another person's statements another person's assumptions so they can all become documents nobody can jump into conclusions said they were all the i cure it facts are accurate reports...


4 4.0

Ten O'Clock News : KTVU : August 12, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

Aug 14, 2011 08/11



chauncey bailey and another man was sentenced to 25 years in prison. ruesard admitted shooting bailey and robinson within a month of each other four years ago. as part of a plea deal he testified the leader of the now muslim bakery said he ordered the killings. today was difficult for the family of the victims and the killer. >> i don't know what was going on in his head when he did what he did but i just hope -- >> the whole thing so unfortunate, you know. i feel happy and i feel sad. >> the two are to be sentenced for their first-degree murder convictions in two weeks. >>> a suspicious item shut down a security check point in morning at oakland international airport. a security screener spotted the item with an x-ray machine in terminal 1. the bomb squad was then called to the airport to investigate. officers determined the item which included wires, a battery and a circuit system was not a

chauncey bailey and another man was sentenced to 25 years in prison. ruesard admitted shooting bailey and robinson within a month of each other four years ago. as part of a plea deal he testified the leader of the now muslim bakery said he ordered the killings. today was difficult for the family of the victims and the killer. >> i don't know what was going on in his head when he did what he did but i just hope -- >> the whole thing so unfortunate, you know. i feel...

WUVP (Univision)

3 3.0

Noticias 65 : WUVP : March 9, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

Mar 9, 2015 03/15



material no es lo más importante. >> a mí lo que me frustra la salud de mis hijos. ni preocupación es que ella toque algo hice o que venga un ratón y la muerda. los ratones se han trepado a las cunas. >> nos comunicamos con la alcaldía y nacieron a conocer que le van a dar seguimiento a este caso. nosotros ya tenemos al tanto de cualquier información. noticias univisión 65. ilia: no se requiere que ya regresamos con más información. >> patrocinado por la firma de abogados de compensación de

material no es lo más importante. >> a mí lo que me frustra la salud de mis hijos. ni preocupación es que ella toque algo hice o que venga un ratón y la muerda. los ratones se han trepado a las cunas. >> nos comunicamos con la alcaldía y nacieron a conocer que le van a dar seguimiento a este caso. nosotros ya tenemos al tanto de cualquier información. noticias univisión 65. ilia: no se...


4 4.0

NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt : KNTV : June 9, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

Jun 10, 2023 06/23



several documents spilling out of a box. mr. trump responding late today writing, the box contained newspapers and personal pictures. the indictment also alleges mr. trump

several documents spilling out of a box. mr. trump responding late today writing, the box contained newspapers and personal pictures. the indictment also alleges mr. trump


3 3.0

KTVU Morning News : KTVU : July 20, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

Jul 20, 2010 07/10



at least one other u.s. city, chicago, allows non-citizens to vote in school board elections. >> 6:19 is the time. there is some progress in the santa rosa crash, right, sal. >> that's right. they managed to move most of it to the right-hand-side. some people driving past the scene say it is still causing a slow down because there are major injuries and the paramedics and the fire crews are still working on someone on the shoulder so they have managed to open up lanes but that is not helping much. southbound 101 at shiloh road involving a motorcyclist hit by another vehicle and major injuries reported. >>> let's move along to pictures here. this is 880 north and southbound, traffic moves well, here in front of the coliseum. right now traffic is okay on northbound 101. you can see northbound 101 traffic does move well in san jose up to the 80 interchange. i wanted to let you know about

at least one other u.s. city, chicago, allows non-citizens to vote in school board elections. >> 6:19 is the time. there is some progress in the santa rosa crash, right, sal. >> that's right. they managed to move most of it to the right-hand-side. some people driving past the scene say it is still causing a slow down because there are major injuries and the paramedics and the fire crews are still working on someone on the shoulder so they have managed to open up...


6 6.0

Jimmy Kimmel Live : KGO : October 21, 2013 11:35pm-12:36am PDT

Oct 22, 2013 10/13

by KGO


and then i have a switcher, i have four cameras going in class and i have a switch room and we cut them all together. >> you do it almost live? >> it's actually super fun. >> that does sound like a lot of fun. >> we might even put it on tv. >> is that right? >> yeah. i have my own show coming up. >> you do? i didn't know this. that's what you need. more work. >> it's like my little artsy stuff. >> i just read you're going to be on broadway? are there many james francos? do you have helpers that work with you? >> no, i'm a robot. >> you really do a lot of things. do you grade the students work yourself? >> i do have to grade them. it's a creative program. so most of them get a's. if they show up, they're all good.

and then i have a switcher, i have four cameras going in class and i have a switch room and we cut them all together. >> you do it almost live? >> it's actually super fun. >> that does sound like a lot of fun. >> we might even put it on tv. >> is that right? >> yeah. i have my own show coming up. >> you do? i didn't know this. that's what you need. more work. >> it's like my little...

Fox News West

483 483

FOX and Friends Sunday : FOXNEWSW : June 2, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

Jun 2, 2024 06/24



and so he's talking about, hey, i made some mistakes with some of these people at these agencies. i'm going to, you know, learn from that and pick better people. again with, really fascinating that he was very direct. i asked him if he would, you know, declassify jfk, epstein and, and the 9/11 if files, and he said, yeah. pete: yeah. i mean, it was interesting, a couple of places you heard it there, that's a tough question, what do you do with doj, what do i do with an attorney general. revenge -- he said, yes, revenge will be my success, i believe that -- will: success will be my revenge. pete: but it's difficult. what does that a really look like? if i don't know. i thought your questions about the lock her up and, hey, it's one thing the say it, but another to do it. and then we got even into the military, and he talked about the defeat of isis and what it takes to untie the hands of

and so he's talking about, hey, i made some mistakes with some of these people at these agencies. i'm going to, you know, learn from that and pick better people. again with, really fascinating that he was very direct. i asked him if he would, you know, declassify jfk, epstein and, and the 9/11 if files, and he said, yeah. pete: yeah. i mean, it was interesting, a couple of places you heard it there, that's a tough question, what do you do with doj, what do i do with an attorney general. revenge...


11 11

Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore : WBFF : September 13, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT

Sep 13, 2013 09/13



proudly supports pbs kids. [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. at, we believe that learning is the greatest adventure of all. early learning academy, proud supporter of pbs kids and super why! hola! let's be just like princess presto and practice our spelling. here's a word that we all know--b-e-d. what does that spell? kids: bed! right! now if i take the "b" and replace it with an "r," what does that spell? red! excelente! red! you can play more games with princess presto and all the super readers at coming up next, let's take a ride with our new friends

proudly supports pbs kids. [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. at, we believe that learning is the greatest adventure of all. early learning academy, proud supporter of pbs kids and super why! hola! let's be just like princess presto and practice our spelling. here's a word that we all know--b-e-d. what does that spell? kids: bed! right! now if i take the "b" and replace it with an "r," what does that spell?...


7 7.0

CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley : KPIX : November 27, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

Nov 28, 2013 11/13



>> it's just not going to be functioning, they have to focus on other things first. this affects businesses with 50 or fewer employees looking for group insurance through obamacare and that part of the web site isn't ready, so the companies will have to enroll off line through insurance companies and brokers. >> brennan: under obamacare states had the option to set up their own exchanges and to expand medicaid for the poor but many red states where republicans dominate chose not to. tonight wyatt andrews tells us about one exception-- kentucky. >> it works and it's working well. >> reporter: he's the democratic governor in mostly republican kentucky, but steve beshear took a political risk and fully embraced obamacare. he had the state build its own health care exchange which, at 60,000 enrollees is among the nation's most successful. then he expanded the state's medicaid program by executive order which bypassed republican opponents in the legislature. why did you do that? >> very simple, wyatt, it was

>> it's just not going to be functioning, they have to focus on other things first. this affects businesses with 50 or fewer employees looking for group insurance through obamacare and that part of the web site isn't ready, so the companies will have to enroll off line through insurance companies and brokers. >> brennan: under obamacare states had the option to set up their own exchanges and to expand medicaid for the poor but many red states where republicans...


6 6.0

ABC News Good Morning America : WMAR : October 27, 2013 8:00am-9:00am EDT

Oct 27, 2013 10/13



luego lo pegemos a una caja de cereal para que quede firme. podemos usar pelotas de ping pong como balones. [♪] después de jugar tantodoodle! baloncesto, van a necesitar recuperar energía, y nada mejor que balones de albaricoques. >>¡yum! >>podemos hacer estos balones miniatura usdo masa de hojaldre, queso crema y y podemos reciclar la red de los albaricoques para hacer nuestro juego de minloncesto. ¡gracias, doodle! doodle: por nada. >>bien, todo lis. a ver, mientras ustedes van a buscar los pañuelos, noodle y yo comenzaremos a hacer los balones de albaricoque y luegoubirán al autobús y haremos juntos los juegos de nialoncest todos: ¡sí! >>¡muy bien! eso es un plan. nos vemos. niños y marisia:diós, sean.

luego lo pegemos a una caja de cereal para que quede firme. podemos usar pelotas de ping pong como balones. [♪] después de jugar tantodoodle! baloncesto, van a necesitar recuperar energía, y nada mejor que balones de albaricoques. >>¡yum! >>podemos hacer estos balones miniatura usdo masa de hojaldre, queso crema y y podemos reciclar la red de los albaricoques para hacer nuestro juego de minloncesto. ¡gracias, doodle!...


63 63

ABC News Good Morning America : WMAR : November 9, 2013 8:00am-9:00am EST

Nov 9, 2013 11/13



veo al mundo pasar ♪ veo al mundo pasar ♪ ♪ a través de mi ventana veo al mundo pasar. ♪ >>pobre pido, no quiere salir de gira porque no sabe que ropa usar en todos los diferentes países. >>um...talvez podamos enseñarle a pido qué ropa usan en todos los diferentes países. >>¡gran idea! démosle un recorrido mundial de trajes típicos a pido. dentro de la casa. >>¡gran idea trilby! !hay que hacerlo! [♪] [chillidos] >>¡rápido pido! salta del avión. veremos los trajes típicos alrededor del mundo. >>bien raggs, ¡vamos! [♪] >>bienvenido a la india, pido.

veo al mundo pasar ♪ veo al mundo pasar ♪ ♪ a través de mi ventana veo al mundo pasar. ♪ >>pobre pido, no quiere salir de gira porque no sabe que ropa usar en todos los diferentes países. >>um...talvez podamos enseñarle a pido qué ropa usan en todos los diferentes países. >>¡gran idea! démosle un recorrido mundial de trajes típicos a pido. dentro de la casa....

Russia-1 TV

27 27

Утро России : RUSSIA1 : June 7, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

Jun 7, 2024 06/24



you will have to worry about the heroes deeply, sincerely, with your soul. the result of these emotions is a great time spent, and many wise thoughts that inevitably arise after watching such a movie. even bad people are reformed there. are we bad? well, an unexpected answer to the age-old question, what is good and what is it? you will find in all cinemas of the country, which means we are preparing to wipe away tears of laughter and emotion, inveterate hooligans are already waiting for everyone on the big screens. forgive me, lord, well, we smile, we laugh, in fact, we need to be a little sad, because the program is ending, but we have you remember, there is a telegram channel, you can log in to it around the clock, let's stay in touch, you can ask your questions, we read them, and even today we invited an expert to figure it out, tomorrow will also be interesting, saturday is not a reason

you will have to worry about the heroes deeply, sincerely, with your soul. the result of these emotions is a great time spent, and many wise thoughts that inevitably arise after watching such a movie. even bad people are reformed there. are we bad? well, an unexpected answer to the age-old question, what is good and what is it? you will find in all cinemas of the country, which means we are preparing to wipe away tears of laughter and emotion, inveterate hooligans are already waiting for...


21 21

News4 Midday : WRC : January 27, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EST

Jan 27, 2015 01/15

by WRC


>> i'm cooking the sword fish ka bob. generay e e fish, we like to marinate it. you don't ntt isa or citrus the marinade because ico fh. >> so no citrus or salt when you're marinating. >> when you cook it, you would definitelyanddomo salt. e d, we put lemon juice on everything. >> how long do you marinade? >> 30 minutes to an hour. this type omana it doesn't matter beca nothing in it is going to th,t' only gotoit sword shkeva it's pla u wto fi a way to complimeneish flavor. >> tell mehare ading on the ka bobs. >> generally onions and peppers is like trnaento put because the vegetable has to

>> i'm cooking the sword fish ka bob. generay e e fish, we like to marinate it. you don't ntt isa or citrus the marinade because ico fh. >> so no citrus or salt when you're marinating. >> when you cook it, you would definitelyanddomo salt. e d, we put lemon juice on everything. >> how long do you marinade? >> 30 minutes to an hour. this type omana it doesn't matter beca nothing in it is going to th,t' only gotoit sword shkeva...


53 53

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert : KPIX : January 4, 2017 11:35pm-12:38am PST

Jan 5, 2017 01/17



cat or a penis lamp is an advantage." i am trusting-- i am trusting, knowing how squeaky clean this network is that we cannot show a plastic penis lamp. why do you have a plastic penis lamp? >> well, my ex-husband, my daughter's father, gave it to me for christmas one year. ( laughter ) to remind me of him. probably not for that. >> stephen: to remind you of him. that is a very small penis. >> i take that back. because of that exact issue that you just mention gld okay. >> don't understand why they can't show it when it's that small and also functions as a switch -- >> what? that's the switch? >> yes, that's what you flick up and down. that's the genius of the lamp. >> stephen: that's how it works. that's,000 works, i understand. i wouldn't know. i wouldn't know. i work for cbs. "underworld: blood wars," this is the fifth, your fourth. >> yes. >> stephen: the last time you

cat or a penis lamp is an advantage." i am trusting-- i am trusting, knowing how squeaky clean this network is that we cannot show a plastic penis lamp. why do you have a plastic penis lamp? >> well, my ex-husband, my daughter's father, gave it to me for christmas one year. ( laughter ) to remind me of him. probably not for that. >> stephen: to remind you of him. that is a very small penis. >> i take that back. because of that exact issue that...


69 69

Late Night With Jimmy Fallon : KNTV : December 17, 2013 12:35am-1:36am PST

Dec 17, 2013 12/13



[ girl ] make dinner pop! guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to bill cosby, bonnie raitt, once again. [ cheers and applause ] oh my goodness. and the greatest band on "late night," the roots, right there. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "carson daly." thank you for watching. have a good night. hope to see you tomorrow. bye bye. [ cheers and applause ]

[ girl ] make dinner pop! guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to bill cosby, bonnie raitt, once again. [ cheers and applause ] oh my goodness. and the greatest band on "late night," the roots, right there. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "carson...


56 56

Late Night With Jimmy Fallon : KNTV : June 19, 2013 12:35am-1:36am PDT

Jun 19, 2013 06/13



the greatest band in late night, the roots right there. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for carson daly! thanks for watching! have a great night! hope to see you tomorrow! bye-bye! [ cheers and applause ]

the greatest band in late night, the roots right there. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for carson daly! thanks for watching! have a great night! hope to see you tomorrow! bye-bye! [ cheers and applause ]


60 60

ABC World News With Diane Sawyer : KGO : July 20, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

Jul 21, 2010 07/10

by KGO


so we can't go spending money on executive planes, sadly. >> reporter: england's percentage deficit is even larger than the u.s., and they've decided to cut back now. cameron drastically cutting government programs, even raising taxes. while obama says the u.s. should continue the stimulus. >> reporter: do you think the united states is just wrong? >> no, i don't. we're different countries. we have different needs. we're going to do things at different speeds. you guys can run a bigger deficit for longer than we can. but you know, this year, we are borrowing more than virtually any other country in the g-20. we're actually borrowing more this year than greece. so, it's necessary for britain to tighten its belt and prove that we can live within our means. and having won the election on that basis, and formed a coalition government on that basis, i want to demonstrate that that's what we're going to do. >> reporter: you don't look at the united states and in any way say, you are continuing to stimulate yourself into a point of no return?

so we can't go spending money on executive planes, sadly. >> reporter: england's percentage deficit is even larger than the u.s., and they've decided to cut back now. cameron drastically cutting government programs, even raising taxes. while obama says the u.s. should continue the stimulus. >> reporter: do you think the united states is just wrong? >> no, i don't. we're different countries. we have different needs. we're going to do things at different...

BBC News

84 84

Nicky Campbell : BBCNEWS : May 16, 2023 9:00am-11:01am BST

May 16, 2023 05/23



good morning and welcome to the good morning and welcome to the nation's phone in. it is on the radio, television. food prices: reality or rip off? we're going to talk about the cost of food — when we discussed this last month we had a huge response about the impact of soaring food prices on you. a massive issue and it is not going away any time soon. you go to the supermarket you look at the packet and make a momentous decision as to

good morning and welcome to the good morning and welcome to the nation's phone in. it is on the radio, television. food prices: reality or rip off? we're going to talk about the cost of food — when we discussed this last month we had a huge response about the impact of soaring food prices on you. a massive issue and it is not going away any time soon. you go to the supermarket you look at the packet and make a momentous decision as to

CNN (San Francisco)

94 94

CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta : CNNW : May 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

May 24, 2024 05/24



what? >> you were alive. in, the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. we begin this hour with a groundbreaking agreement that could reshape college sports major settlement between the five power conferences and the ncaa. paves the way for schools to pay student-athletes , students say, it includes paying $2.7 billion in damages to past and current current student at those schools will also have up to $20 million per year that they can use to pay those athletes. and with me now to talk about this as dante stallworth is a former nfl wide receiver and played for the university of tennessee as well as many nfl teams. and jeffrey kessler joins us as well. he was lead attorney in the antitrust suit against the ncaa hey jeffrey, let me start with you first. you've been involved in several suits for athletes, including the fight for the

what? >> you were alive. in, the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington. we begin this hour with a groundbreaking agreement that could reshape college sports major settlement between the five power conferences and the ncaa. paves the way for schools to pay student-athletes , students say, it includes paying $2.7 billion in damages to past and current current student at those schools will also have up to $20 million per year that they can use to pay those athletes. and with me...

CNN (San Francisco)

124 124

Erin Burnett OutFront : CNNW : June 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

Jun 3, 2024 06/24



wilmington, delaware. and evan, i mentioned that jury we know six men, six women, but you know, a lot more about them. tell us that's right, aaron, the majority of the jury is african-american. there's a woman who said that she had lost a number of friends to drug addiction. there were a number of gun owners which is an important part of this case. obviously including one who said that smoking weed should not disqualify you from being able to own a gun. so this is a cross-section of the people of delaware. there were dozens of citizens of delaware who were in this courthouse today. and they they the they went through a number of questions really trying to figure out whether they could find people who could fairly judge this case given the fact that the bidens looms so large in this state politically of course, politics came up in the jury selection, as well as the issue of recovery and an addiction and

wilmington, delaware. and evan, i mentioned that jury we know six men, six women, but you know, a lot more about them. tell us that's right, aaron, the majority of the jury is african-american. there's a woman who said that she had lost a number of friends to drug addiction. there were a number of gun owners which is an important part of this case. obviously including one who said that smoking weed should not disqualify you from being able to own a gun. so this is a cross-section of the people...


74 74

Today : KNTV : February 13, 2019 7:00am-9:01am PST

Feb 13, 2019 02/19



wednesday, february 13th, 2019. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie, and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >>> good morning, everybody. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us on a wednesday morning. >> washington, d.c. has got to get busy. they've just got a couple of days to figure this one out. >> clock is ticking again. that's our top story. this new twist in the push to avoid another government shutdown with friday's deadline fast approaching. the president unhappy with the compromise reached by republicans and democrats in congress but also saying he doesn't want to see another shutdown. nbc white house correspondent kristen welker is on the story this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. three sources say it's anticipating he will sign the deal to avoid a shutdown.

wednesday, february 13th, 2019. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie, and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >>> good morning, everybody. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us on a wednesday morning. >> washington, d.c. has got to get busy. they've just got a couple of days to figure this one out. >> clock is ticking again. that's our top...


101 101

[curator: unknown title] : CSPAN2 : June 20, 2009 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

Jun 20, 2009 06/09



the pitt the average age. we were looking at 10 years, the average age, we kept it that way. the average age on the top has gone from 38 to the mid 80s down to 10 active wings. if the structure is half of what it was. the air force says we are striving to get between 15, and 20. another look at procurement of aircraft. on the top, we see the numbers

the pitt the average age. we were looking at 10 years, the average age, we kept it that way. the average age on the top has gone from 38 to the mid 80s down to 10 active wings. if the structure is half of what it was. the air force says we are striving to get between 15, and 20. another look at procurement of aircraft. on the top, we see the numbers


114 114

Newsline : LINKTV : April 10, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PDT

Apr 10, 2014 04/14



generator ps p cyclone yasi was the last major storm system to hit the area. there was one death. that was because somebody had a generator running inside their home without proper ventilation. keep that in mind if you do have a power outage out here with the system. let's take a look at the track, though. right now like i said, winds of 205 gusting up to 285 kilometers per hour. that pressure continues to fall. that means this is still strengthening and intensifying as it pushes across the reef making land fall just south of cape melville north of cannes by friday afternoon into the evening hours. keep in mind just south of that center of circulation, that's the right front quadrant. that's where we'll see the significant threat of storm surge and those highest threats of damaging winds. if you are away from the center, still watch the storm system. watch it drift down there toward the southeast. even cannes you should see typhoon equivalent strength winds. also heavy rainfall extending as far south as townsville and eventually toward brisbane to the weekend.

generator ps p cyclone yasi was the last major storm system to hit the area. there was one death. that was because somebody had a generator running inside their home without proper ventilation. keep that in mind if you do have a power outage out here with the system. let's take a look at the track, though. right now like i said, winds of 205 gusting up to 285 kilometers per hour. that pressure continues to fall. that means this is still strengthening and intensifying as it pushes across the...


126 126

[curator: unknown title] : CSPAN2 : June 25, 2009 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

Jun 25, 2009 06/09



brian roberts couldn't knock it down. it wasn't that sharply hit, but was a drawn in infield. you give up the base hits. now, if that infield is played in normal positions, you give up the run anyway. brian roberts might be able to turn it into a 4-3 put out. runner is going to score from third with a ground ball up the middle. >> jim: jorge cantu batting with a runner at first.

brian roberts couldn't knock it down. it wasn't that sharply hit, but was a drawn in infield. you give up the base hits. now, if that infield is played in normal positions, you give up the run anyway. brian roberts might be able to turn it into a 4-3 put out. runner is going to score from third with a ground ball up the middle. >> jim: jorge cantu batting with a runner at first.

Deutsche Welle - English

101 101

Made in Germany : DW : May 30, 2024 12:30am-1:00am CEST

May 29, 2024 05/24

by DW


germany's re unification, public funding was diverting to germany's eastern regions that were in dire need of investment. even today, the roar lags behind the rest of germany. but one thing has worked well for the region, the push towards education and research for the past 20 years. the hydrogen and fuel cells center into sports has brought scientists, industry, and politicians together and researches new technologies. because the war region is still looking for new sources of energy. if you see me, we have a very large chemical industry. we have a very large steel industry and we've growing up with industry. and therefore, as part of a gene was always done by the fact that we are an industrial region and the chance to make this technology this industry green now is a great opportunity for us as great potential. they're developing technologies that can use hydrogen as a power source for german industry and consumers. so i'm on such a,

germany's re unification, public funding was diverting to germany's eastern regions that were in dire need of investment. even today, the roar lags behind the rest of germany. but one thing has worked well for the region, the push towards education and research for the past 20 years. the hydrogen and fuel cells center into sports has brought scientists, industry, and politicians together and researches new technologies. because the war region is still looking for new sources of energy. if you...

Fox News West

104 104

America's Newsroom : FOXNEWSW : May 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

May 29, 2024 05/24



even merchan agrees with that. but he allowed the prosecutors again and again to stress it to the jury. if you are the jury sitting there you are saying to yourself they wouldn't have the prosecutors tell me that 127 times unless it was important. >> bill: andy, you sound like roy comb. he was a lawyer in new york for a long time, took trump under his wing when he was a much younger man, and he would say don't tell me what the law is, tell me who the judge is. the answer you just gave sounds a lot like what he would say. find me the right judge. do you stand by that? >> well, in that particular bill i will take the comparison to him. i must say i haven't often been compared to him in my career, but i do think it was incredibly important who the judge was and the make or break in this case

even merchan agrees with that. but he allowed the prosecutors again and again to stress it to the jury. if you are the jury sitting there you are saying to yourself they wouldn't have the prosecutors tell me that 127 times unless it was important. >> bill: andy, you sound like roy comb. he was a lawyer in new york for a long time, took trump under his wing when he was a much younger man, and he would say don't tell me what the law is, tell me who the judge is. the answer you just...


93 93

Campaign 2024 Former Pres. Trump's Children Speak Outside New York Courthouse : CSPAN : May 29, 2024 6:48am-7:00am EDT

May 29, 2024 05/24



york city. they're not caring about any of those kinds, they are not pursuing any of those crimes. they care about this, which we know is not a crime. they have not proven anything to be a crime whatsoever, and they will not, because at the end of this, we all know what it is ab jury, when they realize these people who have wasted five weeks of their time in there, that they have been part of a potical game, as new yorkers, i'm pretty sure they're going to be upset about it. this is not the united states of america. this is banana republic type stuff. if they can profit off it on the other side, so can we. they cannot succeed we will -- they cannot succeed, they will not succeed. we will continue to fight alongside my father-in-law, the

york city. they're not caring about any of those kinds, they are not pursuing any of those crimes. they care about this, which we know is not a crime. they have not proven anything to be a crime whatsoever, and they will not, because at the end of this, we all know what it is ab jury, when they realize these people who have wasted five weeks of their time in there, that they have been part of a potical game, as new yorkers, i'm pretty sure they're going to be upset about it. this is not the...

Deutsche Welle - English

88 88

The Day : DW : May 30, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

May 29, 2024 05/24

by DW


and his eyes that would not amount to an escalation of the war. now the white house disagrees. washington does not encourage keith to use weapons it has supplied inside russia. that's put an end to speculation about that position shifting for now at least the discussions lottery important is well aware off, which might be the reason his warnings against playing with fire are becoming more and more robust. nicole fairly in berlin, and this is the day the parents of self defense includes also striking targets outside ukraine's legitimate mentor targets inside a restaurant foster group and split up that we think we should allow them to neutralize ministry sides. when we saw it was

and his eyes that would not amount to an escalation of the war. now the white house disagrees. washington does not encourage keith to use weapons it has supplied inside russia. that's put an end to speculation about that position shifting for now at least the discussions lottery important is well aware off, which might be the reason his warnings against playing with fire are becoming more and more robust. nicole fairly in berlin, and this is the day the parents of self defense includes also...

Internet Archive TV NEWS : Search Captions. Borrow Broadcasts (2024)


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