1. Provider Page | Medi-Share
Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, ...
Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, and add/edit physician or facility info.
2. For Providers | Medi-Share 65+
Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, ...
Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, and add/edit physician or facility info.
3. For Providers | Medi-Share Complete
Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, ...
Welcome to Medi-Shares provider page! On the Medi-Share provider page you can register as a new provider, check member eligibility, check bill status, and add/edit physician or facility info.
4. Login | Medi-Share - Christian Care Ministry
Our secure member login protects your private information, while allowing you to access important information about your membership.
Use this page to login and access your Medi-Share member center.
5. Find a Provider | Medi-Share
Search doctors on our preferred provider network (PPO), use our telehealth services, or search for Dental & Vision Doctors on our discount network.
6. Provider FAQs | Medi-Share - Christian Care Ministry
Medi-Share members pay a $35 provider fee for doctors and hospitalizations, and a $135 provider fee for emergency room care.
The Medi-Share program is a healthcare sharing ministry that brings Christians together to share medical bills. Medi-Share is not insurance. Christian Care Ministry is a not-for-profit ministry that facilitates the Medi-Share program, and does not pay any medical bills.
7. Provider Portal Info - MultiPlan
Missing: medishare | Show results with:medishare
MultiPlan's Provider Portal allows healthcare providers to verify network participation, submit billing and network inquiries, and more!
8. [PDF] How To Use Medi-Share
• Find a PHCS In-Network Provider at. MyChristianCare.org/FindProviders ... – Visit the Medi-Share Provider Portal at MyChristianCare.org/ForProviders.
9. Contact Us | Medi-Share
Need to get in touch with someone at Medi-Share? We'd love to hear from you! Use this page as a guide to help you find the best way to contact us.
Need to get in touch with someone at Medi-Share? We'd love to hear from you! Use this page as a guide to help you find the best way to contact us.
10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Medi-Share Complete — Provider
Missing: phcs | Show results with:phcs
Do you have a question about Medi-Share Complete? Here are some of our most commonly asked questions.
11. [PDF] Issues with Medishare/Christian Care Ministries which is under Multiplan ...
When we contacted Multiplan/PHCS in July of 2016, their provider rep told us that. Medishare/Christian Care Ministries was an insurance company. However, we ...
12. Our Honest Medi-Share Review after 14 years - SeedTime Money
“When a medical event occurs, you simply select a network provider from the Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS) PPO network, which offers 700,000 providers ...
This is our Medishare review after 12 years of using them. The good and the bad...
13. Liberty HealthShare | Christian Healthsharing Ministry Provider
Liberty HealthShare offers health-conscious individuals and families an affordable way to share medical care expenses in a like-minded community.
Liberty HealthShare offers health-conscious individuals and families an affordable way to share medical care expenses in a like-minded community. We are a non-profit organization that helps facilitate the voluntary sharing between members to pay each other’s medical costs.